
1. Rohm and Haas Company, Philadelphia, PA, 19105

2. Feist, W.C.."Wood surface treatments to prevent extractive
staining of paints". Forest Products Journal. Volume 27,
No. 5. 50 (1977).

3. Rohm and Haas Company. "Rhoplex MV-23 Emulsion - Waterborne
acrylic vehicle for wood primers and stain blocking
sealers". Trade Sales. Rohm and Hass Company, Philadelphia

4. Espeut, K., Marschall, D., Marschall, F., and Stewart,
F., "Investigation of Latex Stain Blocking Primers on
Wood Substrates". Paper submitted to Southern Society for
Coating Technology Technical Committee. 41 pp. (1987).

5. Williams, R. Sam, Winandy, Jerrold E., Feist, William C.,
"Paint Adhesion to Weathered Wood". Journal of Coatings
Technology. 59, No. 749. 43 (1987).


U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Products Laboratory.
One Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53705

(1) Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C., "Finishing wood
exteriors. Selection, application, maintenance" USDA
Forest Service Agriculture Handbook, No. 647. U.S.
Government Printing Office: 1986-483-399. 56 pp. (1986).

(2) Feist, W.C., "Finishing of wood." Wood Handbook:
Wood as an Engineering Material, Agriculture
Handbook 72. Available from the Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402, Chapter 16, 29 pp. (1987).

(3) Gorman, T.M., and Feist, W.C., "Chronicle of 65
years of wood finishing research at the Forest Products
Laboratory." USDA Forest Service General Technical Report
FPL-GTR-60, 81 pp. (1989).

(4) Rowe, J.W. and Conner, A.H., "Extractives in
eastern hardwoods - A review." USDA Forest Service
General Technical Report FPL 18, 66 pp. (1979).

(5) Sherrard, E.C., and Kurth, E.F., "The crystalline
coloring compounds in redwood extract." USDA Forest
Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Report R987, (1933).

American Plywood Association
P.O. Box 11700
Tacoma, WA 98411

1. "Staining of Finishes from Water-Soluble Wood Extractives"

Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology.
492 Norristown Road
Blue Bell, PA 19422-2350

National Paint & Coatings Association.
1500 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005

National Forest Products Association
1250 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

1. "How To Paint Your Wood House"

California Redwood Association
405 Enfrente Drive, Suite 200
Novato, CA 94949

1. "Redwood Exterior Finishes"
2. "Painting Exterior Redwood"
3. "Color Restoration of Redwood Siding and Decks"
4. "Deck Grades, Nails and Finishes"

Western Red Cedar Lumber Association
522 S.W. 5th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

1. "Siding and Paneling Western Red Cedar"
2. "Finishing Concepts - Western Red Cedar"

Western Wood Products Association
522 S.W. 5th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

1. "Exposed Cedar"
2. "Siding Basics"
3. "Lumber Storage"
4. "Natural Wood Siding - Selection, Installation & Finishing"


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Forest Products Journal. 10(4): 212-218. (1960).

Anderson, A.B., and Fearing, W.B.,
"Distribution of extractives in solvent seasoned redwood lumber."
Forest Products Journal., 11(5): 240-242. (1961).

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Environment Canada, Forestry Service, Information Report, VP-X-106. (1973)

Barton, G.M., and Gardner, J.A.F.,
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Barton, G.M., and MacDonald, B.F.,
"The chemistry and utilization of western redcedar."
Department of Fisheries and Forestry, Canadian Forestry Service,
Publication No. 1023, Information Canada, Ottawa, Catalogue No. Fo 47-1023. (1971).

Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C.,
"Wood finishing: Discoloration of house paint--causes and cures."
North Central Regional Extension Publication No. 134. (1980 - revised 1988).

Cassens, D.L., and Feist, W.C., "Finishing wood exteriors.
Selection, application, and maintenance." USDA Forest Service
Agriculture Handbook, No. 647. Forest Products Laboratory,
Madison, WI. U.S. Government Printing Office: 1986-483-399.
56 pp. (1986).

Feist, W.C., "Wood surface treatments to prevent extractive staining of paints."
Forest Products Journal, 27 (5): 50-54.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Chapter 16, 29 pp. (1977)

Fracheboud, M., Rowe, J.W., Scott, R.W., Fanega, S.M., Buhl, A.F. and Toda, J.K.,
"New sesquiterpenes from yellow wood of slippery elm."
Forest Products Journal, 18(2): 37-40. (1968).

Gardner, J.A.F., "The chemistry and utilization of western redcedar."
Department of Forestry Canada, Publication No. 1023. 26 pp. (1963).

Gorman, T.M., and Feist, W.C.,
"Chronicle of 65 years of wood finishing research at the Forest Products Laboratory." USDA
Forest Service General Technical Report FPL-GTR-60,
Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI. 81 pp. (1989)
Hillis, W.E., "Forever amber: A story of the secondary wood components".
Wood Science and Technology, 20: 203-227. (1986).

Huff, R.H., "Chemistry of painting surfaces from earliest time
to unfathomable future--With hints of prophesy."
Journal of Paint Technology, 46(588): 62-73. (1974).

Leslie, J.C., Kicker, H.G. and Vasterling, W.
"Cedar shake stain discoloration: A major construction problem."
Official Digest, 236-239. (1957).

Levitin, N., "Extractives of red and white pine and their effect
on painted lumber." Timber of Canada, June, 66-71. (1962).

MacLean, H., "Influences of basic chemical research on western
redcedar utilization." Forest Products Journal, 20(2): 48-51. (1970).

MacLean, H., and Gardner, J.A.F., "Distribution of fungicidal
extractives (Thujaplicin and water-soluble phenols) in western
redcedar heartwood." Forest Products Journal, 6 (12): 510-516. (1956).

McGinnes, E.A., Jr., and Dingeldein, T.W., "Effect of light,
extraction, and storage on color and tackiness of clear-finished
eastern redcedar." Forest Products Journal, 21(1): 53-60. (1971).

Rowe, J.W. and Conner, A.H., "Extractives in eastern hardwoods -
A review." USDA Forest Service General Technical Report FPL 18.
Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI. 66 pp. (1979).

Rowe, J.W., Seikel, M.K., Roy, D.N. and Jorgensen, E.
"Chemotaxonomy of Ulmus". Phytochemistry, 11: 2513-2517 (1972).

Sherrard, E.C., and Kurth, E.F., "1928. Occurrence of pinite in
redwood." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(7): 722. (1928).

Sherrard, E.C., and Kurth, E.F., "Sequoyite, a cyclose from
redwood." Journal of the American Chemical Society, October 5, 1929. (1929)

Sherrard, E.C., and Kurth, E.F., "Distribution of extractive in
redwood: Its relation to durability." Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry, 25(3): 300-301 (1933).

Sherrard, E.C., and Kurth, E.F., "The crystalline coloring
compounds in redwood extract." USDA Forest Service, Forest
Products Laboratory, Report R987, Madison, WI. (1933).

Swan, E.P., Jiang, K.S., and Gardner, J.A., "The lignans of
Thuja plicata and the sapwood-heartwood transformation."
Phytochemistry, 8: 345-351. (1969)

Swan, E.P., and Jiang, K.S., "Formation of heartwood extractives
in Thuja plicata." Phytochemistry. (1969).

Tarkow, H., and Krueger, J., "Distribution of hot-water soluble
material in cell walls and cavities of redwood." Forest
Products Journal, May, 228. (1961).

NFPA Joint Coatings/Forest Products Committee
Extractive Discoloration Task Group
Vernon Donegan

The Glidden Company
Strongsville, OH
Jeff Fantozzi, Chairman

Western Wood Products Association
Portland, OR
Keith Kersell

Pacific Lumber Company
Mill Valley, CA
Charles Jourdain

California Redwood Association
Novato, CA
Alex Migdal

DeSoto, Inc.
Des Plaines, IL
Robert Springate

General Paint & Chemical Company
Chicago, IL
James Tooley

Weyerhaeuser Company
Tacoma, WA
